Receiving or Giving a Present

Receiving or Giving a Present

Receiving a gift always makes people happy. We all have at least a clear memory of unwrapping a gift: maybe for a birthday or for Christmas. How can we forget the joy of seeing the presents under the tree as children…it was a magical moment!

Santa had finally brought us all the presents that were on our list and since we were so good, even something more.

Whether it is Santa, a relative or a friend, knowing that someone wanted to make us feel important is a priceless feeling. Receiving and being grateful for what we receive is as important as giving.

And what about when we are on the other side of the gift? The emotions we feel when someone appreciates the present is also a unique sensation. We share the other person’s happiness. Indeed, we are responsible for this moment, and it is simply extraordinary.

I always enjoyed going around to look for the perfect and unexpected present. Of course, at least once in our life, we have had a hard time to find the right idea for a special person but it is really in this moment that we sharpen our wits to guess the ideal gift. It is when we offer something that we realize the importance of a small gesture. Our selfless gesture becomes an act of love for our loved ones.

However, we don’t have to forget a beautiful gift for ourselves. In this case, we are on both sides of the gift at the same time but loving each other and being able to express our love is such an important goal to reach. The value we will be able to recognize for ourselves is the value that we will be able to offer people.

And you, do you prefer to receive or to give a present?

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